Saturday, August 23, 2008


I must say, I did cry a few tears today. It was wonderful.

A lot of different things had been building up, and then finding out about the death of sweet baby James, I just had to cry. I never met little James, but the enthusiasm in Jessie's voice when she would talk about him intrigued me, so I had began reading his blog.

Yesterday wasn't exactly a good day for me, so the grief and the pain of this morning didn't make for me the best of mixtures. I feel like the whole day just slipped between my fingers and was completely wasted. I think the only good thing that I accomplished this lovely day was that I drank a pot of peach tea. The yummy tea was a special treat to brighten my gloomy day =)

I never cry, though. It seems strange not to cry—I mean come on—I’m a girl, right? But I rarely do get to cry, and when I do, it is more just like a couple glistening tears down my cheek, no emotional release. Tears are a gift straight from God; I just haven't achieved a real knack for it yet.


David said...

oh wow... im sorry jenna
i know what you mean about letting the day slip away... i did the same thing yesterday... such a waste. hey you should call sometime and we can continue our conversation we were having at youth group.

Raquel said...

i don't cry unless something really hits me. i didn't know him, but i am sad for jessie and for the family!

Anonymous said...

Hang around me long enough and tears will come. Trust me. ;) But seriously, I'm glad you were able to cry. Didn't you feel a little better afterwards? I love the verse in Psalms that says God collects our tears and keeps them in a bottle (56:8). Even if it's just a few tears sliding down your cheek, they are precious in His sight. :)
I'm so sorry I didn't make it last night. Tsukasa came home from Japan, so I wanted to be here to welcome her. I missed you! :(
